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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

The Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina publishes only original articles, in Spanish or English, that deal with geological topics, especially those related to Argentina and South America. Manuscripts submitted in English will have priority treatment due to their importance for the journal's visibility. All received papers will be submitted to peer review. Authors are requested to read the editorial guidelines carefully. Articles that do not meet the standards will be returned without review.


a) Articles: The length of the text, including abstract (English and Spanish) and references, will not exceed 20 pages in its final print format (50 handwritten pages). Exceptionally, the editors will consider publishing longer articles when its length is justified. Manuscripts will be published in their final format between 1 and 2 months after acceptance.

b) Brief Notes: They must present important news. The extension should not exceed 6 pages in final print format (15 handwritten pages) including abstract (English and Spanish, maximum 50 words), references and up to two figures.


The text must be prepared in a commonly used text processor (e.g. Word), A4 size, double spaced, Arial 11 font and 2.5 cm margins. Footnotes will not be accepted. The final print format is equivalent to 2.5 pages in the manuscript format. Number the lines to facilitate the editorial review process.

First page: It must include title (in uppercase and lowercase letters), bold and justified, name of the authors (First Name LAST NAME), institutions and email, abstract and resumen, with a maximum of 250 words each one. In those articles English, the Resumen must include the title in Spanish. Keywords must appear after the abstracts. No more than 5 and they should not repeat those contained in the title of the MS.

Second page: The text of the MS will begin on this page. It is suggested to organize the text into: Introduction, Geological framework, Methodologies, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and References.

Hierarchy of titles: The text will have 3 hierarchies of titles. FIRST ORDER (bold capital letters, with space between the title and the paragraph). Second order (lowercase bold, no space between title and paragraph). Third order (lowercase bold and italics, followed by the text).



The text should be written in a clear, simple and straightforward way. Special care will be taken so that the ideas are expressed clearly and that the work is coherent throughout its development. The works must comply with the recommendations of the Argentine Code of Stratigraphy (CAE) and the Nomenclature Codes (ICZN, ICBN). Units in the international metric system (SI) will be used.

The pages must be numbered in a continuous way, including the text, the references and the legends of the figures and tables. Include line numbers. Figures and tables will be placed at the end on unnumbered and well-identified pages.


References in the text will be made indicating in parentheses the author's last name (or authors, if there are two) and the year (e.g.: Groeber 1946, Angelelli and Fernández Lima 1972). If an author has more than one publication in the same year, they will be differentiated by letters (a, b, etc.) after the year. If there are more than two authors, the locution et al. will be added to the surname of the first author (e.g. Groeber et al. 1950).

This list of references will start on a new page. It must be complete and there must be an exact correspondence between the articles cited and those listed. For citations of two authors, sort the list alphabetically by the first author and then by the second. For references by three or more authors, order chronologically by year of publication.

The names of the periodical publications must be written in their complete form. The title of the works will always be written in the original language. Limit the citation of unpublished works. "Articles in press" may be included in the reference list when they are formally accepted for publication, indicating the journal. Papers in preparation may be cited as personal communication (pers. comm.) and will not appear on the list.

Pay special attention to the format, order and punctuation, according to the following examples:


Groeber, P. 1946. Observaciones geológicas a lo largo del meridiano 70. Hoja Chos Malal. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica Argentina 1(3): 178-208.

Alcacer Sanchez, J.M., Rothis, M., Haro, F., Perucca, L., Miranda, S., and Vargas, N. 2020. Geophysical analysis in a Quaternary compressive environment controlling the emplacement of travertine, eastern piedmont of Argentine Precordillera. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 98: 201432.


Weaver, C. 1931. Paleontology of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of West Central Argentine. University of Washington, Memoir 1, 469 p., Seattle.

Angelelli, V., and Fernández Lima, J.C. 1972. Ciclos metalogenéticos de la Argentina. In: Leanza, A.F. (ed.), Geología Regional Argentina. Academia Nacional de Ciencias: 797-813, Córdoba.

Groeber, P. 1953. Ándico. In: Groeber, P., Stipanicic, P.N., and Mingramm, A. (eds.),  Geografía de la República Argentina. Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geográficos, Tomo 2: 349-351, Buenos Aires.

Ramos, V.A. 1981. Descripción geológica de la Hoja 33c Los Chihuidos Norte, provincia del Neuquén. Servicio Geológico Nacional, Boletín 182: 1-103, Buenos Aires.


Legarreta, L., Kozlowski, E., and Boll, A. 1981. Esquema estratigráfico y distribución de facies del Grupo Mendoza en el ámbito surmendocino de la cuenca neuquina. 8° Congreso Geológico Argentino, Actas 3: 389-409, Buenos Aires.

Leanza, H.A., Sattler, F., Martinez, R., and Carbone, O. 2011. La Formación Vaca Muerta y Equivalentes (Jurásico Tardío – Cretácico Temprano) en la Cuenca Neuquina. In: Leanza, H.A., Arregui, C., Carbone, O., Daniela J.C., and Vallés, J.M. (eds.), Geología y Recursos Naturales de la Provincia del Neuquén. 18° Congreso Geológico Argentino, Relatorio: 113-129, Buenos Aires.


INPRES 2019. https://www.inpres.gob.ar

Unpublished works:

Gulisano, C.A. 1988. Análisis estratigráfico y sedimentológico de la Formación Tordillo en el oeste de la provincia del Neuquén, cuenca Neuquina. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (inédita), 119 p., Buenos Aires.

Graphic material and figure and table captions 

The figures should be sent in JPG (in color and 300 dpi minimum resolution). They will be presented in their final size, reproducible in one (9 cm) or two (18 cm) columns of text. At the decision of the editors, oblong figures will be allowed as long as their size completes the width and height of the box (18x23 cm).

Number the figures consecutively with Arabic numerals and refer to them in the text as figure * or (Fig. *). The parts of the figure should be indicated with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.), which must have Arial font size 9, in the final size of the figures. If the figures contain text, it must also be in Arial font, within the range of sizes between 8 and 10, in the final size of the figures.

Photographs must be of good quality and will have a graphic scale. In case of using an object as a scale, it must be indicated in the epigraph of the figure. Maps must always have geographic coordinates, north and graphic scale. Use well defined lines and no smaller than 0.1 millimeters.

Tables will be sent in Word. They must have a title of their content, and clarifications or specific sources at the foot of the page. They will be sent in Arial font greater than 10.

Authors who wish to include reproductions of figures already published and protected by copyright in their articles are responsible for obtaining written permission from the appropriate person, giving credit to the original publication (e.g. Geology according to Caminos 1978). When the figures are substantially modified, they must indicate "modified from...".

Additional comments

- Use italics for words that are in another language than the manuscript (e.g., areniscas, falla). Italics will not be used for expressions such as e.g., i.e., et al., c.a., etc, since they are elements of common use in scientific writing

- Use lowercase for superfluous words such as geographical features. Example: Paraná river, Los Cobres stream, Ñirihuau fold belt, Pampean orogeny, Fierro ravine, El Indio mining district, etc. Capitalize only when these words are part of a name. Example: Sierras Blancas block, Sierras Pampeanas, Bahía Blanca, Río de la Plata, etc.

- Do not use abbreviations and/or acronyms in the text that are not in common use. Example: use Pan de Azúcar volcanic Complex instead of CVPA.

- Use words to express numbers less than 10 that do not indicate exact measurements, at the beginning of a sentence or for common fractions. For example: “The task was repeated three times”, “…the number of positive results was zero”, “Forty-eight percent of the sample…”, “Two-fifths of the sample”

- Leave space in numbers and symbols (75%, a + b = c, etc.).

- Short or simple equations, such as α = [(1 + b)/x]1/2, will be inserted on the current writing line. For complex equations send JPG files.

- Pay attention to the correct use of chronostratigraphic vs. geochronological units. For example: "...the deformation occurred during the Late Cretaceous", "...the unit is assigned to the Upper Jurassic".

- Period divisions are only capitalized when these are formally recognized (e.g. Middle Triassic, Early Jurassic), while they should be lowercase when these are informal (e.g. upper Miocene, upper Paleozoic, middle Cretaceous).

Submission of a manuscript

Please send your manuscript via the journal's website: https://revista.geologica.org.ar/raga/

The submission consists of 4 steps.

Step 1 - 1) select the type of article you wish to submit, 2) agree to the submission checklist and copyright notice, 3) in Comments to Editor it should be stated that the MS is original and that it has not been submitted or submit to any other journal during the editorial process, along with a list of potential reviewers and recused reviewers, explaining the reasons.

Step 2 - The version of the manuscript to be sent must consist of a single PDF file containing the text, figures and tables. Editable files will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript.

Step 3 – Metadata upload: All the authors of the manuscript must be uploaded, as well as the title, abstract and keywords of the article.

Step 4- Click on Finalize submission to confirm the submission