Textural and petrofacies characteristics of the Neogene deposits of Bancalari, Buenos Aires Province
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Samples obtained from four wells located at Bancalari, Buenos Aires Province, have been analysed in order to define textural parameters, petrofacies, palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimate evolution. The samples were obtained from the upper part of the Puelches Formation and from the Pampean and Postpampean sediments; in particular this paper highlights the informally named Preensenadense interval. Six textural groups (I to VI) and two petrofacies (A and B) have been recognised. Groups I to III represent fluvial sands (I), gradually overlain by backswamp and lake deposits (II -III), generated on very low slope and well-drained floodplains, with oxidizing conditions. Groups II and III are assigned to Preensenadense interval. The three groups are included in petrofacies A (Qt:F:L = 43:49:8), of sedimentary and basement provenance, which has an igneous metamorphic heavy suite, scarce hornblende and dominance of smectite over illite. By contrast the upper groups (IV to VI) show more varied depositional settings, including aeolian, fluvial and marine environments. Group IV is loessic and corresponds to the Ensenada Formation. Group V, the Lujan Formation (Río Salado Member), is composed of fluvial plain deposits deposited during a wet and temperate climate. Marine silts and clays (group VI) represent a transgression over terrestrial environments and record of the so-called Querandino event. The three upper groups are included in petrofacies B (12:56:32), and have a magmatic arc provenance, with plagioclase dominance and contributions of volcaniclastic and vitroclastic material. It contains a heavy-mineral suite mainly composed of hornblende and it has more illite than smectite.
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