Trilobites de la graptofauna caradociana de San Juan

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Ángel V. Borrello


Two new localities of Porterfieldia juchalensis Harr. and Lean. and Guandacolithus cf. furquei Harr. and Lean. in the Caradocian graptolite faunas of the northern part of the Precordillera of San Juan, in the Quebrada de Perico near the small village of Entre Ríos (Jachal) and Cerro Viejo area (Huaco), prove the extent of the geosinclinal eopaleozoic transfacies (mio- to eugeosinclinal) in the western part of Argentina up to the end of Ordovician times.

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How to Cite
Borrello, Ángel V. . (1961). Trilobites de la graptofauna caradociana de San Juan. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 16(1-2), 53-60. Retrieved from