Pre-andean transpressional kinematics of the western segment of the Dorsal Huincul (Cerro Lotena-Cerro Granito, Neuquén, Argentina)
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The Dorsal de Huincul (DH) is a first-order dextral transcurrent structural high that sublatitudinally extends along almost 300 km at ca. 39° SL and divides into two different depocentres, the pre-Andean sequences of the Neuquén basin, a big hydrocarbon producer. During the Jurassic the tectosedimentary processes in the DH that are related to the reactivation of preexisting faults, define three segments with different multiscale morphostructural features due to along strike flexures. According to the spatial relationship that the different segments keep regarding the Jurassic stress field they are: 1) a NE-SW trending westernmost segment with dextral transpression 2) a mainly NW-SE trending easternmost segment with dextral transtension, and 3) a sublatitudinally trending central segment with dextral wrench. In this paper, we describe the tectosedimentary characteristics of the western segment that extends from Barda Colorada to Arroyo Picún Leufú. This is expressed by a wide, WSW-ENE oriented breached anticline where the isolated late Paleozoic- Early Triassic (??) granitoids of the Cerro Granito outcrop on its southern flank. Syntectonic Pleinsbaquian to Cenomanian sedimentation develops growth strata wedges that determine the irregular architecture of the sequences with strong strike and dip changes. The sublatitudinal strike of the DH would explain the lack of significant reactivations associated with the Andean deformation since its maximal principal subhorizontal stress (s1) is ENE. Based on field data a 3D tectonic model of the western segment of the DH aimed to contribute to the best location of hydrocarbon exploration and production wells in the unconventional Jurassic reservoirs is provided
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