Micromorphology, mineralogical and microbiological characterization of silica speleothems in Cerro Colorado Breccia, Sierras Australes (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
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The micromorphological, mineralogical, and microbiological analysis of silica speleothems developed in the BCC (Northwest of the Sierras Australes) allowed for a new contribution on the environmental conditions and genesis of these deposits. The origin of the 11 types (15 subtypes) of recorded speleothems was related to general and specific mechanisms that control water circulation (gravity, capillarity, surface tension), microenvironmental conditions (relative humidity (RH), condensation, temperature, evaporation, and insolation), and biological activity. The speleothems present inside the tafoni showed markedly humid conditions (RH > 60%, condensation, slow water circulation), which would have particularly favored the formation of flowstones and stalactites/stalagmites with thicknesses less than 20 mm, compact textures, and gypsum/calcite trichites at their free ends. On the other hand, those found in fractures and outside the tafoni (drier environments) were associated with more porous microforms (gours, boxwork, and peloidales) and smaller dimensions (< 5 mm thickness). Opal-A was associated with the dissolution/precipitation process of quartz (carried out by water and biological activity). Clays would be the product of weathering of silicates; muscovite, chlorite, and plagioclases that are part of the BCC. The presence of microorganisms (palynomorphs, diatoms, and phytoliths) allowed for inferring biological involvement in the development of the speleothems. The thin thickness of the speleothems, the presence of opal-A, and the recorded pollen associations limited their age to recent times (Late Holocene?).
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