Coral-dominated communities from the Jurassic of Argentina: an overview

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Javier Echevarría
Martín Hoqui
Susana Damborenea
Miguel Manceñido
Ricardo Garberoglio
Harguindeguy Francisco


This paper is meant as a synthesis of the knowledge on the Jurassic coral-dominated communities of Argentina, providing novel information for some of them. Scleractinian corals were scarce during the Hettangian-Sinemurian, but were frequent and diverse during the Pliensbachian. Three main communities are recognized for this last age: the earliest Pliensbachian Puesto Araya reef (Mendoza Province), the late Early to early Late Pliensbachian Piedra Pintada coral meadow (Neuquén Province), and the Late Pliensbachian to earliest Toarcian patches from Chubut Basin. After the Early Toarcian biotic crisis, scleractinian corals reappear in the Jurassic basins of Argentina in the latest Aalenian to Early Bajocian. By this last age they appear in great diversity, probably generating meadows. There are also some Callovian coral records spread throughout the Neuquén Basin. During the Oxfordian, coral-dominated communities reached their maximum development in the Jurassic of Argentina. A large pseudobarrier of 13 km of lateral extension was described for Bardas Blancas (Mendoza Province), recognizing different zones within it. Coral meadows were described at Coihue Co and Covunco, while small patches developed at Las Lajas (Neuquén Province). Finally, during the Tithonian, coral meadows developed at Picún Leufú (Neuquén Province), and some corals were recorded in Mallín Cotidiano (Chubut Province, Austral Basin). The general trends observed for corals in Argentina (diversity peaks during the Pliensbachian and Bajocian, severe reduction during the Toarcian, the Oxfordian bioconstruction optimum) match the ‘global’ trends based mostly on the records from the northern hemisphere.

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Echevarría, J., Hoqui, M., Damborenea, S., Manceñido, M., Garberoglio, R., & Francisco, H. (2024). Coral-dominated communities from the Jurassic of Argentina: an overview. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 81(3). Retrieved from


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