Geographical and temporal distribution of tidalites in the Lajas Formation (Cuyo Group), Early─ Middle Jurassic of the Neuquén Basin
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The Lajas Formation is a well-known unit from outcrops and subsurface of the Neuquén Basin (Cuyo Group), traditionally interpreted as a regressive deltaic system prograding up to the shelf edge. In this unit, the dominance of fluvial processes over tidal ones was emphasized in many facies studies. In this paper, a series of tidal indicators are analyzed in several localities located to the north of the Huincul High, like Puesto Seguel (1), Portada Covunco (2) and Sierra de la Vaca Muerta (3). Six types of tidal indicators have been recognized in the succession starting with those considered diagnostic of tidal origin like tidal bundles, and others like rhythmites, heterolithic arrangements, and lateral accretion channels with inclined heterolithic structures, dunes and bars, which are common in tidal dominated and modulated depositional systems, but not exclusive of them. The abundance of tidal indicators in the studied localities is contrasting with the record in those located to the south of the mentioned high, where a microtidal system amplified by structural features has been previously proposed. The reason of the documented differences is explained by the fact that successions situated at both sides of the Huincul High are not coeval in age, being younger those situated to the north of the high, where a delta system is not documented. This paper proposes that between the late Bathonian and early Callovian the sedimentary record to the North of the Huincul High was tide-dominated, and possibly a macrotidal depositional system developed.
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