Electrical section through the Loncopué trough

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Agustina Pesce
Mario Ernesto Giménez
Castiglione Bibiana
Guido Gianni
Andres Folguera


The Loncopué trough is a Pliocene to Quaternary extensional basin produced by the extensional reactivation of the hinterland area of the Southern Central Andes. Previous studies have mostly focused in the volcano-sedimentary infill, the surface structure and the neotectonic activity. However, less effort has been devoted to unravel the crustal-scale structure, particularly the deep geometry of this extensional basin. To assess this issue, we present the results of a magnetotelluric sounding carried out in a profile at 38ºS, crossing the Loncopué trough. The resistivity model obtained by 2D inversion is correlated with the fault systems already recognized in the trough. In addition, an area of low resistivity is identified under the Agrio fold and thrust belt, which would be apparently linked to another feature of low resistivity that rises from 40 km of depth to the surface.

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How to Cite
Pesce, A., Giménez, M. E., Bibiana, C., Gianni, G., & Folguera, A. . (2021). Electrical section through the Loncopué trough. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 78(2), 333-337. Retrieved from https://revista.geologica.org.ar/raga/article/view/246

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