Inventory and classification of Natural Dams. Río Blanco Basin, Central Andes of Argentina
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The studies about the occurrence of landslides are common in Argentina, however, their potential to form natural dams is scarcely studied. Despite the fact that natural dam’s related landslides are very frequent in the Argentine Central Andes, they are rarely inventoried. Being seismicity and extraordinary rainfall the main trigger variables of these events. While, the main conditioning factors correspond to the instability of the slopes, associated with the retreated of the great glaciers that occupied the valleys during the Quaternary; high friability lithology affected by important hydrothermal alteration processes; and the degradation of the periglacial environment, currently affected by processes of interstitial ice loss due to increases temperatures. Identifying these natural dams, it constitutes a fundamental contribution to the hazard and risk assessment associated with towns and settlements downstream. The results show that a total of 157 natural dams have been identified in the Río Blanco basin, with debris flows being the most frequent processes that block the valleys.
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