The Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina is a scientific journal that publishes original articles on geological topics, especially those related to Argentina and South America.
The journal is published quarterly by the Asociación Geológica Argentina. The AGA was created in Buenos Aires on June 30, 1945, in the Geology classroom of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Física y Naturales of the Universidad de Buenos Aires with the initial name of Sociedad Geológica Argentina. Among the purposes of the Society figured as one of its main objectives to publish the Revista de la Sociedad Geológica Argentina. The first issue was published in January 1946 under the direction of Dr. Armando F. Leanza and Dr. Carlos D. Storni.
The original purpose of the journal was to disseminate the scientific work of the members of the sociación Geológica Argentina, but it quickly became a reference publication for all subdisciplines of geological sciences in Argentina and other South American countries.
Our journal was incorporated into the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas y Tecnológicas Argentinas of CONICET, which brings together all the scientific and technological publications published in the country that have the highest editorial and content quality, RAGA was selected to participate in the Portal de Publicaciones Científicas y Técnicas, an open access platform to manage your work online. In 2010 the editorial treatment ceased to be by post mail, to move to a modern digital treatment system. This great step implied the definitive transition to an open system and adherence to the Creative Commons license, which allows the public dissemination of scientific works with proof of authorship and permission for public reproduction and distribution.
Starting 2020, we have decided to continue in this direction, generating an OJS editorial management platform through our own website, with the support of the PREBI-SEDICI of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. This new platform, with a modern and versatile character, will allow a much more fluid handling of manuscripts and better communication between authors and editors.
Current Issue
Vol. 81 No. 3 (2024): Special Issue on the Jurassic of Argentina
Guest editors: Susana Damborenea, Maximiliano Naipauer, Diego Kietzmann, and Javier Echevarría,
Published: 2024-09-01