The Ciénaga Larga del Tontal Formation: nomen novum for the Casa de Piedra Formation, Carboniferous, Precordillera de San Juan

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S. Barredo
E.G. Ottone


A series of Carboniferous sedimentary rocks, initially named Casa de Piedra Formation crop out along the western slope of Sierra del Tontal, east of the Rincón Blanco area. That name is invalid because it was formerly used to identify a Triassic unit. We propose here to rename this Carboniferous rocks as Ciénaga Larga del Tontal Formation, nomem novum Palynological studies, together with a detailed mapping and structural analysis of the sedimentary succession permit confirmation, in part, the age of the sequence, and establish the areal extent of its development.

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How to Cite
Barredo, S., & Ottone, E. (2003). The Ciénaga Larga del Tontal Formation: nomen novum for the Casa de Piedra Formation, Carboniferous, Precordillera de San Juan. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 58(2), 267-270. Retrieved from