Geological characterization of the central-west sector of the Urcuschún Pluton, La Rioja province.

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María Cecilia Marchi
Teresita Montenegro
Patricia Anzil


The Urcuschún hill is located in the morphostructural unit of the Central Precordillera, in the central-west region of La Rioja province, Argentina. In this hill, an intrusive body called the Urcuschún Pluton outcrops, which induces contact metamorphism and metasomatism in the limestones of the San Juan Formation and in the basal levels of the Paganzo Group. As a result, meta-sediments are generated from the transformation of sedimentary protoliths, along with a Fe and Mo skarn in the Ordovician limestones and, primarily, in the calcareous conglomerate at the base of the Paganzo Group.

The objective of this study is to present the petrographic and geochemical characterization of the Urcuschún Pluton. Additionally, its crystallization age was determined using the U/Pb method on zircons, resulting in a Permian age (270.39 ± 0.45 Ma).

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How to Cite
Marchi, M. C., Montenegro, T., & Anzil, P. (2024). Geological characterization of the central-west sector of the Urcuschún Pluton, La Rioja province. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 81(1), 13-33. Retrieved from

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