Estructuras del Basamento y del Neo-Paleozoico en los contrafuertes nord-orientales del Cordón del Portillo (Provincia de Mendoza=

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Emilio F. González Díaz


Proterozoic, Upper Paleozoic formations and Permotrias intrusions are herein described. The first replaces Stappenbeck's old idea of early Paleozoic metamorphosed rocks (“Paleozoico Inferior Metamorfizado”). “Totoral Formation” is here considered as Lower Carboniferous instead of the old concept of a non metamorphosed Lower Paleozoic formation (“Paleozoico Inferior no Metamorfizado”). For the post Carboniferous effusions a Permian age has heen assigned, and Permian-Middle Trias for the granitic batholit of the Cordillera Frontal. The author attempts an explanation by means of overthrusting and highangle inverse
faults structure for he abmormal contacts observed between Proterozoic and Carboniferous formations. The tectonic features here described, replaces Stappenbeck's old thonghts of “aureoles” produced by termometamorphism of granite bodies in these formations.

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How to Cite
González Díaz, E. F. (1957). Estructuras del Basamento y del Neo-Paleozoico en los contrafuertes nord-orientales del Cordón del Portillo (Provincia de Mendoza=. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 12(2), 98-133. Retrieved from