La petrografía del cerro Tupungato y de otras rocas efusivas de la región (provincia de Mendoza)

Contenido principal del artículo

Emilio F. Gonzalez Diaz


The petrographic features of Cerro Tupungato (Province of Mendoza), are described, The rocks are mainly andesites and basandesites together with some basalts of uncertain ubication, Chemical data of rocks are checked with analysis of rocks from a neighbor volcano (Mesón Sen Juan) and also with world-average andesites and basalts, The age of the lava dome (the author opposes to the idea of a stratovolcano) should be Pliocene, Other Miocene intrusive rocks of mesosilicic composition (quartz-diorites and tonalitic porphyrs), which are though to be genetically related with the volcanic association of Cerro Tupungato, are described. Chemical analysis of the studied rocks and the Mesovariscic-Acid-Vulcanites are added.

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Cómo citar
Gonzalez Diaz, E. F. (1961). La petrografía del cerro Tupungato y de otras rocas efusivas de la región (provincia de Mendoza). Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 16(3-4), 205-234. Recuperado a partir de

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