Detection of potential areas with hydrocarbons in the Bolsón de Tamberías using non-conventional geophysical techniques
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In the present study, we apply an old technique that is not widely used in our country, such as the Thorium normalization technique applied to aerial data from gamma-ray spectrometry, as a guide for the recognition of oil accumulations in the subsoil. This technique uses gamma-ray spectral measurements in prospecting for oil in stratigraphic and structural traps. We complement this technique with aeromagnetic data to analyze the main alignments of geological structures in the upper crust. The Bolsón de Tamberías area was chosen to apply this technique due to the background of the Triassic deposits of the Rincón Blanco Group, where the oleogenetic potential is well documented in the Formation Carrizalito. In addition, to the west of the current deformation front in the Western Precordillera, the triassic sequences of the Barreal and Sorocayense Groups outcrop, where interesting lake levels with oleogenetic potential have been identified. The results found with this technique are very encouraging, since the areas where the maximum DRAD (Deviation of Radio-Active Derivative) values occur coincide with the manifestations of the Rincón Blanco group and with the rock sampling carried out in this area.
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